2011 Pound & Round Results/Final Standings


1Back That Pass Up511362312
2The Big Oak Tree520354301
3Repeat Offenders421365287
4The Tinder All-Stars430401318
5The Multiple Scorgasms340237308
6Salt the Snail340244324
7Touchdown, First Down, Get Down250262299
8Blue Eagles160239315


Third Base vs Juuuuust a Bit Outside
Robinson Park
Seductively Shaved Sasquatchi vs Just da Tip
Robinson Park
The Flying Squirrels vs Stoneys
Robinson Park
Got the Runs vs Masterbatters
Robinson Park
Where My Pitches At?! vs Balls Deep
Robinson Park
Got the Runs vs The Flying Squirrels
Robinson Park
Juuuuust a Bit Outside vs Masterbatters
Robinson Park
Seductively Shaved Sasquatchi vs Balls Deep
Robinson Park
Just da Tip vs Stoneys
Robinson Park
Where My Pitches At?! vs Third Base
Robinson Park
Third Base vs Masterbatters
Robinson Park
Balls Deep vs Stoneys
Robinson Park
Where My Pitches At?! vs Seductively Shaved Sasquatchi
Robinson Park
Juuuuust a Bit Outside vs Got the Runs
Robinson Park
The Flying Squirrels vs Just da Tip
Robinson Park
Balls Deep vs Masterbatters
Robinson Park
Just da Tip vs Third Base
Robinson Park
The Flying Squirrels vs Juuuuust a Bit Outside
Robinson Park
Seductively Shaved Sasquatchi vs Stoneys
Robinson Park
Got the Runs vs Where My Pitches At?!
Robinson Park
Got the Runs vs Stoneys
Robinson Park
Just da Tip vs Balls Deep
Robinson Park
Juuuuust a Bit Outside vs Seductively Shaved Sasquatchi
Robinson Park
The Flying Squirrels vs Third Base
Robinson Park
Masterbatters vs Where My Pitches At?!
Robinson Park
Juuuuust a Bit Outside vs Balls Deep
Robinson Park
Third Base vs Got the Runs
Robinson Park
Just da Tip vs Where My Pitches At?!
Robinson Park
Masterbatters vs Stoneys
Robinson Park
The Flying Squirrels vs Seductively Shaved Sasquatchi
Robinson Park
Third Base vs Stoneys
Robinson Park
Balls Deep vs The Flying Squirrels
Robinson Park
Just da Tip vs Masterbatters
Robinson Park